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As we enter the Reiwa era, the concept of preventive medicine is taking hold around the world. Doctors of Western medicine are also more and more interested in alternative therapies, and in the future, there will be more and more demand for excellent therapists who can perform treatments from a therapeutic point of view. If you delve into Thai traditional medicine, you will need to delve into it because it intersects with the meridian concept of Ayurveda, which is Indian classical medicine, and Chinese medicine. Therefore, in this course, we will comprehensively study oriental medicine in a broad sense as traditional medicine. In traditional medicine, the theory is based on the assumption that energy such as chi and prana always exists, so it is necessary to understand such energy work. In addition, you will learn Oriental medicine counseling methods and practical traditional medicine treatment methods. This course is more than just an additional qualification as a teacher. It is characterized by obtaining "Grade AA qualification" so that you can teach traditional medicine treatment methods, and obtaining "Grade H qualification" to support healing work that deals with energy.

  ★ Full support until you can do it!  
  ★ With support even after graduation when you are in trouble!  
  ★It costs 2,880,000 yen instead of 5,646,300 yen if you take the classes separately.  
  ★ You can learn at a real 51% OFF.  
  Click here to apply
  ◇Course period: Within a maximum of 24 months
◇ Minimum required hours: 753 hours (251 credits)
◇Maximum course time: unlimited within the period
◇ Admission fee: 20000 yen
◇ Tuition fee: 2880000 yen
◇ Total payment amount: 2900000 yen
◇Payment method: bank transfer/credit card/TTMA scholarship available
◇ This is 2766300 yen cheaper than taking specialized subjects separately!
◇ TTMA therapist members can participate in the review for free even after graduation.
◇ The tuition fee includes the cost of textbooks and teaching materials.
◇Demonstration can be filmed freely.
◇ All prices shown include consumption tax.

As we enter the Reiwa era, the concept of preventive medicine is taking hold around the world. Doctors of Western medicine are also more and more interested in alternative therapies, and in the future, there will be more and more demand for excellent therapists who can perform treatments from a therapeutic point of view. In this course, you can learn in detail to the level that you can train such therapists as instructors. Recently, the number of inquiries from teachers with national qualifications has increased. Rather than distinguishing between national qualifications and private qualifications, the most important point is to produce more results.

If you delve into Thai traditional medicine, you will need to delve into it because it intersects with the meridian concept of Ayurveda, which is Indian classical medicine, and Chinese medicine. There are experts in each field in the world, but I am reminded that there are almost no people who have a broad understanding of therapeutic theories and skills across fields. Therefore, in this course, we will comprehensively study oriental medicine in a broad sense as traditional medicine. In traditional medicine, the theory is based on the premise that energy such as chi and prana always exists. So we need to understand this energy work as well.

The time when spirituality and healing were occult is over, and brain science and quantum physics research have already revealed the existence of consciousness energy. It is known that conscious energy such as meditation and prayer affects the human heart and body. pray. In other words, science knows that just by thinking about others, the hormone "oxytocin" is secreted in the brain and heals one's own illness. The healing energy emitted from the hands of healers is 13,000 gauss of magnetism, and it is also known that this is a level of magnetism that improves immunity. Harvard University in the United States has been conducting scientific research on "prayer" for 50 years. Experiments have shown that healing affects brain waves and exerts a healing effect even from places tens of kilometers away. In the West, healing is recognized as effective for various ailments such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and insomnia. Healing is already recognized as a medical treatment covered by insurance in England. Energy work that uses the power of consciousness is by no means a privilege of the religious world, and anyone can do it if they learn it. If you can send energy without the client's touch, stiffness will be reduced. The students I have taught so far are 100% able to do it, so anyone should be able to do it. Simply put, the key points are breathing techniques and imaging skills. Muscles relax without necessarily exerting strong pressure. This is what makes this course different from other courses.

The difference between "ANCIENT ORIENTAL MEDICINE THERAPIST COURSE" and "ANCIENT THAI THERAPIST COURSE" is that it specializes in energy work, and you can obtain "Grade AA qualification" so that you can teach all the traditional medicine treatment methods. And the point that you can get "H grade qualification" to support the whole healing work. In addition, you will learn more Oriental medicine counseling methods and more practical traditional medicine treatment methods, so you will not only be qualified as a leader. "Acrobatic Thai stretch" will be changed to "W Yoga Freestyle Stretch & Massage" as it is done as an energy work. It will be on a completely different level.

In "Oriental Medicine Meridian and Traditional Thai Medicine Energy Line Sen", by comparing the energy line "sen" in traditional Thai medicine theory with the flow of meridians in oriental medicine, traditional Thai techniques are brought to the level of an acupuncturist. up to There are 10 energy lines in Thai traditional medicine. There are 14 energy lines in oriental medicine, including the 12 meridians of the regular meridian and the gestational and thoracic pulses. Therefore, we do not see a perfect match, but we agree about 70 to 80%. If you can apply this to your treatment, your accuracy as a therapist will increase. By stepping into the theory of oriental medicine, other treatment methods are also upgraded. For example, in "Chi Nei Thang Advanced Seven Star Theory Diagnosis and Treatment", you will be able to see which meridians are stuck in the state of the abdomen, and in this extension, "Facial Massage Advanced Seven Star Theory Diagnosis And Treatment Method" and "Head Massage Advanced Seven Star Theory Diagnosis and Treatment Method", so popular techniques such as facials and heads will be at the treatment level.

There are also “Hot herbal ball oil treatment” and “Cool herbal ball oil treatment” that use herbal balls soaked in oil. “Pha khao ma Stretch & massage Beginner” “Pha khao ma Stretch & massage Intermediate” “Pha khao ma Stretch & massage Advanced” using traditional Thai cloth is a fun and practical technique. Talksen can also be done on the face. Learn as "FacialTok sen", but it is a technique that is easy to lead to results. The ultimate is the “Yam Khang Fire massage”. It is a massage in which the practitioner burns the feet and uses the feet to treat the client.

, "Ayurvedic Dosha theory and diagnosis", you will also learn the basic theory of ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda, which has influenced traditional Thai medicine. 'Ayurveda Katibasti' for lower back pain involves pouring warm oil into a bank placed on the lower back. "Ayurveda Netra Basti" involves pouring warm oil into the eyes. The most famous Ayurveda is Ayurveda Shirodara. Also known as a brain massage, this technique involves dripping oil onto your forehead, and once you've done it, it's addictively refreshing.

There are more. You can also learn more hands-on techniques with "Herbs & Cream Jap Kasai Practice Edition" and "Herbs & Cream Yok Thong Practice Edition" as a treatment method that can make a big profit. These techniques are also used in fertility treatment, and since they are approaches to the Kidney Bladder meridian, they amplify life energy and exert an anti-aging effect. "Senkichana", which has no meridians, is based on a theory unique to Thailand, and can be said to be an energy line unlike any other.

All traditional medicine treatments are supposed to be energy work. Forms alone are meaningless and do not produce much results. That's why it was only taught to a limited number of people, and if you do it with a careless feeling, you will give negative energy to the other person. At this point, the boundary between relaxation and healing becomes ambiguous, but learning as a healer is also necessary. So I still do.

Learning as a healer is both 1 and 2 purifying yourself. If you can't purify it, you'll be looking at the other person wearing sunglasses, and you won't be able to see them properly. Learning as a healer begins with your own self-healing. In order to work as a healer, you must first face yourself and purify yourself to improve your accuracy. Therefore, we have prepared several programs. Ideally, the “Self-Healing Meditation Stay Program” should be completed over two days and one night.

First, we will learn “Singing Bowl Meditation”, “Chakra stone healing”, “Energy line tuning fork sound healing”, “Crystal bed purification”, and “Philippine Traditional Healing Hilot Spiritual Work”.

As a healer, "Prana Experience Work & Self-knowledge Work & Hado Water Practice", "Forest Blending Meditation & Tibetan Vajra Meditation", "Sauna & Spiritual Sakaki Banya", "Fire Samata Meditation & Classical Chinese Fire Technique", "Singing Bowl Please also experience Meditation & Pendulum Dowsing Practice Work.

In the intermediate level as a healer, you will learn "Reiki Healing/Hands-on Healing" and be able to heal others. The contents are meditation and work to confirm the existence of Ki, work to read the difference in Ki, work to create Ki balls and change the taste of water, remote healing work to send Chi from the back, work to reduce stiffness without touching, kinesiology It's a work to see the reaction of mind. Through "Blind World Experience Retreat", "Wordless world experience retreat", "Near-death experience retreat in a casket", and "Night forest experience retreat", we will also work to raise sensitivity.

In the advanced course, you will learn "Basic practice of channeling" and "Basic practice of distance healing" and gain experience in "Practical training intern healer training experience".

Sounds fishy, oh yeah! I think it's each person who thinks it's like that, but if you delve into traditional medicine, it's going to be energy work, and the boundary between healing and healing is gone. The world is constantly changing. Today, when such a world has come to be elucidated by physics, I think it is necessary for someone to thoroughly delve into traditional medicine. Unlike a small course, this course certainly has a high tuition fee. However, even this is actually discounted to the very last minute. Because I want to raise a successor. Rather than short-term profit, I want to leave behind healers and instructors who can perform such treatments, and if I can train such people myself, I think it will be worth the many years I have been at the school. . Admission to this course is subject to screening. Those who have feelings should be able to become friends in the true sense. In this course, you can get the "Grade H qualification" which is proof as a healer by recommendation. A “Grade AA, which is a qualification for instructors” is also obtained through endorsements. After the qualification acquisition, I can have you work as a Thai massage cram school or a TTMA official recognition school.


  ◆What's included (Click the image to see details.)
ボディケアタイスタイル ハーブボールマッサージ タイ古式マッサージチェンマイスタイル タイ古式マッサージ バンコクスタイル
ヘッドマッサージ フェイシャルマッサージ セラピストのための解剖学・運動学 フットバスとカウンセリング手法
サロンオペレーション C級推薦試験と解説 フットピーリング フットリフレクソロジー
ハンドリフレクソロジー エルボープレス ニープレス フットプレス
パワープレスボディケア タイ古式マッサージ TTMAスタイル B級推薦テストと解説 セラピストインターン
イヤーリフレクソロジー ジャップセン チェンマイスタイル ロイヤルタイマッサージ
ママレックスタイル アーユルヴェーダ ドーシャカウンセリング アーユルヴェーダ タイマッサージ パウダータイマッサージ
クリームタイマッサージ バンブーマッサージ トークセン ダブルヨガフリースタイル
症状別 首こり 肩こり 症状別 背筋痛 症状別 腰痛 症状別 足のむくみ 倦怠感
症状別 ストレス 症状別 悪寒 風邪の初期症状 症状別 胃痛 腹痛 胸痛 生理痛 アドバンス ハーブボールマッサージ
シニアマッサージ チネイザン ジャップカサイ ヨクトーン
ユーファイ ヌントーン ソルトポット ユーファイ サウナ ビワの葉温熱療法 こんにゃく温湿布
ビジネス プロモーション 1日店長 インストラクターインターン
A級推薦試験と解説 アーユルヴェーダ シロダーラ アーユルヴェーダ カティバスティ アーユルヴェーダ ネトラバスティ
ジャップカサイ アドバンス ヨクトーン アドバンス ホットハーバルオイルトリートメント クールハーバルオイルトリートメント
パーカオマー ストレッチ ヤムカーン ファイヤーマッサージ
東洋医学 顔 診断 フェイシャル トークセン 東洋医学 頭 診断 東洋医学 腹 診断
東洋医学経絡 セン チューニングフォーク サウンドセラピー シンギングボウル ヒーリング チャクラ ストーン ヒーリング
クリスタル 浄化 スピリチュアル ヒロット セルフケア 浄化 ヒーラー 体験
バジュラ 瞑想 バーニャ サウナ ファイヤー セラピー ペンドゥラム ダウジング
レイキヒーリング ハンズオンヒーリング チェネリング 遠隔ヒーリング ヒーラー 修行
H級推薦試験 解説 AA級推薦試験 解説    
  ◆Curriculum details
  Course content number of credits Course time
1 Body care How to use your hands, direction of pressure, how to use your body, 1credits 3hours
2 Body care How to find and understand stiffness, 1credits 3hours

Body care Practical techniques for loosening stiffness

1credits 3hours

Body care Practical techniques for loosening stiffness

1credits 3hours
5 herbal ball massage technique 2credits 6hours
6 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 01
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
7 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 02
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
8 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 03
[Treatment in the supine position, arms, hands, abdomen]
1credits 3hours
9 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 04
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
10 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 05
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
11 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 06
[Treatment in a prone position, legs and back]
1credits 3hours
12 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 07
[Treatment and stretching while lying on your back]
1credits 3hours
13 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 08
[Treatment in a sitting position, shiatsu and stretching]
1credits 3hours
14 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 09
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
15 Traditional Thai Massage/Chiang Mai Style 10
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
16 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 01
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
17 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 02
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
18 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 03
[Treatment in the supine position, arms, hands, abdomen]
1credits 3hours
19 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 04
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
20 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 05
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
21 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 06
[Treatment in a prone position, legs and back]
1credits 3hours
22 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 07
[Treatment and stretching while lying on your back]
1credits 3hours
23 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 08
[Treatment in a sitting position, shiatsu and stretching]
1credits 3hours
24 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 09
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
25 Traditional Thai Massage/Bangkok Wat Pho Style 10
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
26 Head massage technique


27 Facial massage techniques 2credits 6hours
28 Anatomy (skeleton and muscles) 1credits 3hours
29 Kinesiology (posture and muscles) 1credits 3hours
30 Foot bath and counseling method 1credits 3hours
31 Salon Operation: The ABCs of Customer Psychology and Customer Service 1credits 3hours
32 Salon operation: customer service role-playing according to the situation 1credits 3hours
33 TTMA Grade C recommendation test and commentary 1credits 3hours
34 Foot peeling 1credits 3hours
35 Explanation of reflex areas and techniques on the soles of the feet 1credits 3hours
36 Foot reflexology technique 01 1credits 3hours
37 Foot Reflexology Technique 02 1credits 3hours
38 Summary and confirmation of foot reflexology 1credits 3hours
39 Hand reflexology 1credits 3hours
40 Elbow press technique 2credits 6hours
41 Knee press technique 2credits 6hours
42 Foot press technique 2credits 6hours
43 Power Press Body Care Freestyle Technique Practice Edition 4credits 12hours
44 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 01
[Supine position (back) legs]
1credits 3hours
45 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 02
[Supine position (back) legs]
1credits 3hours
46 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 03
[Supine position (back) arm]
1credits 3hours
47 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 04
[Prone position (face down)]
1credits 3hours
48 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 05
[Prone position (face down)]
1credits 3hours
49 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 06
[Supine position (back) 2nd time]
1credits 3hours
50 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 07
[Sitting position (sitting posture)]
1credits 3hours
51 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 08
[Summary and confirmation]
1credits 3hours
52 Traditional Thai Massage Advanced Edition TTMA Style 09
[Summary and confirmation]

1credits 3hours
53 Traditional Thai massage advanced edition TTMA style 10
[Summary and confirmation]
1credits 3hours
54 TTMA Grade B recommendation test and commentary 1credits 3hours
55 Training Intern Salon Therapist 10credits 30hours
56 Ear reflexology 1credits 3hours
57 DVD Learning Japsen Style Maker Ron Version 1credits 3hours
58 DVD learning Chiang Mai style Chongkol version 1credits 3hours
59 DVD learning royal Thai massage 1credits 3hours
60 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 01
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
61 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 02
[Treatment in the supine position / legs]
1credits 3hours
62 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 03
[Treatment in the supine position, arms, hands, abdomen]
1credits 3hours
63 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 04
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
64 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 05
[Treatment in a sideways posture / legs, back, waist]
1credits 3hours
65 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 06
[Treatment in a prone position, legs and back]
1credits 3hours
66 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 07
[Treatment and stretching while lying on your back]
1credits 3hours
67 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 08
[Treatment in a sitting position, shiatsu and stretching]
1credits 3hours
68 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 09
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
69 Traditional Thai Massage/Japsen Mamalek Style 10
[Explanation and summary of the meaning and purpose of each technique]
1credits 3hours
70 Ayurvedic Theory and Dosha Diagnosis 1credits 3hours
71 Ayurvedic Thai Massage Practice Techniques 2credits 6hours
72 Powder thai massage technique 1credits 3hours
73 Cream thai massage technique 1credits 3hours
74 Bamboo massage technique 1credits 3hours
75 Tok sen 1credits 3hours
76 W Yoga Freestyle Stretch Massage 8credits 24hours
77 Symptom-specific Techniques by Symptom: Relief of stiff shoulders and stiff neck 2credits 6hours
78 Symptom-specific techniques Symptom relief for back pain 2credits 6hours
79 Symptom-specific Techniques Lower Back Pain Symptom Relief Edition 4credits 12hours
80 Symptom-specific techniques Swelling of the legs, relief of symptoms of fatigue 2credits 6hours
81 Symptom-Specific techniques for each symptom Stress relief 2credits 6hours
82 Symptom-Specific Techniques Relieve initial symptoms of chills and colds 2credits 6hours
83 Symptom-specific techniques Stomach pain, abdominal pain, chest pain, menstrual pain symptom relief 2credits 6hours
84 Advanced Herbal Ball Massage Technique 2credits 6hours
85 Senior massage 1credits 3hours
86 Chi nei thang Technique 2credits 6hours
87 Thai Traditional Mystery Jap Kasai Technique 4credits 12hours
88 Thai Traditional Mystery Yok Thong Technique 4credits 12hours
89 Yufai Noon Thong Salt Pot Treatment Method 1credits 3hours
90 Yufai Steam Herb Sauna 1credits 3hours
91 Hot Therapy with Loquat leaves 1credits 3hours
92 Hot Therapy with Konjac 1credits 3hours
93 Business lecture: preparation and flow until opening, points to be aware of 1credits 3hours
94 Business classroom lecture: Laws and contraindications, preparation and arrangements for opening a business 1credits 3hours
95 Business class: creating a clear concept (market-in and product-out) 1credits 3hours
96 Business class: A game that develops a sense of management to avoid deficit bankruptcy 1credits 3hours
97 Training Intern Promotion 2credits 6hours
98 Practical intern 1 day store manager store training 2credits 6hours
99 Practical School Instructor Intern 30credits 90hours
100 TTMA Grade A recommendation test and commentary 1credits 3hours
101 Ayurveda Shirodhara 1credits 3hours
102 Ayurvedic Kati Basti 1credits 3hours
103 Ayurvedic Netra Basti 1credits 3hours
104 Herb & Cream Jap Kasai 2credits 6hours
105 Herb & Cream Yok Thong 2credits 6hours
106 Hot herbal oil treatment 1credits 3hours
107 Cool herbal ball oil treatment 1credits 3hours
108 Pha khao ma Stretch & massage Beginner 1credits 3hours
109 Pha khao ma Stretch & massage intermediate 1credits 3hours
110 Pha khao ma Stretch & massage Advanced 1credits 3hours
111 Yam Khang Fire massage 2credits 6hours
112 FacialTok sen 1credits 3hours
113 Advanced facial massage Seven star theory diagnosis and treatment method 1credits 3hours
114 Advanced head massage Seven star theory diagnosis and treatment method 1credits 3hours
115 Chi Nei Tsang Senior Diagnosis and treatment method based on seven star theory 2credits 6hours
116 Oriental Medicine Meridian and Traditional Thai Medicine Energy Line Sen 1credits 3hours
117 Energy line tuning fork sound healing 1credits 3hours
118 Singing Bowl Meditation 1credits 3hours
119 Chakra stone healing 1credits 3hours
120 Crystal bed purification 1credits 3hours
121 Philippine Traditional Therapy Hilot Spiritual Work 1credits 3hours
122 Self healing meditation program 4credits 12hours
123 Healer Experience: Prana Experience Work & Self-knowledge Work & Hado Water Practice 1credits 3hours
124 Healer Experience: Forest Meditation with Vajra Pestle 1credits 3hours
125 Healer Experience: Sauna & Spiritual Sakaki Banya 1credits 3hours
126 Healer Experience: Fire Samata Meditation & Classical Chinese Flame Technique 1credits 3hours
127 Healer Experience: Singing Bowl Meditation & Pendulum Dowsing Practice Work 1credits 3hours
128 Reiki Healing Hands-on Healing: Meditation and Ki Presence Work 1credits 3hours
129 Reiki Healing Hands-on Healing Work to Read Differences in Mind 1credits 3hours
130 Reiki Healing Hands-on Healing Kidama Making and Work to Change the Taste of Water 1credits 3hours
131 Reiki Healing Hands-on Healing Distant Healing Work Sending Qi from the Back 1credits 3hours
132 Reiki healing Hands-on healing A work that reduces stiffness without touching 1credits 3hours
133 Reiki Healing Hands-on Healing Kinesiology 1credits 3hours
134 Basic practice of channeling 2credits 6hours
135 Basic practice of distance healing 2credits 6hours
136 A work that sharpens the senses through a blind world 4credits 12hours
137 Communication work in a world without words 4credits 12hours
138 A near-death experience in a coffin. A work that tries to become a corpse 2credits 6hours
139 Work to experience the night forest alone 2credits 6hours
140 Practical intern Healer training 10credits 30hours
141 TTMA Grade H recommendation test and commentary 1credits 3hours
142 TTMA Grade AA recommendation test and commentary 1credits 3hours
  ★Even if you use the TTMA scholarship system, the total tuition payment will not change.
There is no installment interest charge.
Please check this out for details.
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